Included in this pack are the following modules:
- Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval
- Camera Image Retrieval
- Transaction Investigation Console
Transaction Investigation Console
EJ data is uploaded to the central server, either streamed in real-time or scheduled at regular intervals, according to the bank’s requirements.

Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval
The Transaction investigation console presents the EJ data, together with embedded camera images if required, in a very user-friendly, readable format. There is an easy-to-use search facility using any transaction information such as Customer Name, Card Number (which is securely masked) and ATM ID. This helps the bank to reduce the time and resources needed to provide fast customer service.
Camera Image Retrieval
Camera Image Retrieval supports up to four cameras on one ATM (including fascia and cash slot) and links up to twenty ATM camera pictures per transaction to the EJ transaction data for fast and accurate resolution of customer enquiries, fraud investigations and audits. Each camera image is embedded within the transaction information, with transaction ID, date and transaction step.