- The centralised ‘’one look’’ dashboard provides a view of the state-of-health of all ATMs and the devices inside them with alerts via SMS, email and mobile app. Instant remote diagnosis of ATM issues mean that service calls are timely and productive, the right parts are taken first time.
- Real-time customisable reporting and detailed analytics on ATM performance with easy-to-use tools make system administration efficient and productive.
Included in this pack are the following modules:
- Inventory management
- ATM Monitoring
- Incident Management
- ATM Location Analysis
- Log Centre
Inventory Management
Real-time information on the hardware configuration and software versions installed on each ATM is automatically updated and securely stored centrally.
An easy-to-use search facility enables operators to access this information and export into Excel format for reports and auditing.

ATM Monitoring
Remote diagnostics provides instant insight into the state-of-health of all ATMs, and the devices inside them. Dashboard views and customisable reporting and tools, make monitoring the ATM network efficient and cost effective. This includes information and statistics on the status, up-time and performance of all ATMs in the network. Real-time alerts are sent via email, SMS or mobile app.
Incident Management
Effective, automated incident management minimises ATM down-time and ensures that customer services are restored as fast as possible.
The status of the service ticket workflow from its opening to close is automatically tracked and updated.
ATM Location Analysis
Google map data, including ATMs, bank branches, supermarkets and schools for example, combined with available information on ATM transaction volumes by location, not only helps to analyse the performance of the existing ATM installed base, but also to determine optimum locations for new ATM placements.
Log Centre
A centralised, real-time collection of all the ATM log files including Electronic Journal and ATM device logs provides a ‘one-look’ view of all the data so that hardware or software issues can be resolved quickly. Pre-defined business rules support predictive maintenance and alerts are generated and sent to appropriate service personnel via email, SMS or mobile app for fast incident prevention and resolution.